Following dinner, Chuck Flint started to MC the honoring of outgoing President Allan Cady and installation of 2018-19 President Chris Krueger, but was interrupted by Ima Snitch (aka Pam Cohen) of the Rotary Rumor Recorder, who wanted to litigate impeachment proceedings against President Allan. After booing from the crowd, Judge Jones allowed her to present her case, which she did with an extensive slide show showing what she believed to be irrefutable evidence that Allan had operated under the name of his alias, Allan Cady, along with his accomplice, also operating under an alias, Pollyanne Cady, but were actually Alonso Cadini and Polly Panache, who were using the alias names after being relocated with new names by the witness protection program. Ima Snitch's slide show attempted to prove that Alonso and Polly had reverted to their old ways, gathering money from illegal sources, storing it in peanut butter jars and shipping it out of the country where they partied with other accomplices.
Attorney, Bert Millet, used the same photos with his defense of President Cady demonstrating what he felt was irrefutable evidence that President Allan and Pollyanne had acted in completely selfless ways throughout the year doing good in the community and internationally. After the defense rested its case, Judge Jones asked those present to serve as the jury and vote "guilty," which would result in President Allan's impeachment or "not guilty." which would allow him to retire and continue to serve the club with the honor of being our Immediate Past President Allan. The not guilty vote was nearly unanimous with only Ima Snitch voting to impeach.
Following the trial, President Allan honored those who had served on his team during his Presidential year, giving each a Rotary 4-Way-Test Coin. He also named those who had perfect attendance during his tenure: John Benedict, Don Boucher, Allan Cady, Polly Cady, Pam Cohen, Dan Coons, Chuck Flint, Lucinda General, Chris Krueger, Don LaBarge, Jeanie Morgan, John Pennypacker, Jack Rosenberg, Jim Schmidt, Ray Smith, and Warren Williamson. He handed out perfect attendance certificates those named who were present. He surprised Jeanie Morgan, naming her Rotarian of the Year for her work in developing the Messenger electronic newsletter and promotion of the club through social media. He also had help surprising Jeanie with a flag to hang in our meeting room honoring her service as District 5490 District Governor in 2009-10. He also remarked that he had not realized until this event how well connected Don LaBarge was with our creator, but was impressed that Don apparently called in some favor to end the Arizona drought and lower the typical June temperatures so his guests could be comfortable for the changing of the guard.
President Allan and President-Elect Chris Krueger exchanged pins, with Chris pinning Allan with his Past President's pin and Polly assisting by pinning Chris with the President's pin.
Chris accepted her new responsibilities, saying she would be scared to death if Mesa West wasn't such an outstanding club of great leaders who are always willing to work to accomplish goals set by the club. Significant changes in her team will be Jim Schmidt serving as President-Elect while continuing his Treasurer duties. Donna Goetzenberger will serve as Club Secretary. Allan and Polly Cady will serve as co-chairs of Community Service. Don LaBarge and Don Boucher will serve as co-chairs of Membership. Pam Cohen will continue in her role as Club Service chair (social chair extraordinaire). Chuck Flint will continue as Foundation Chair. Ray Smith will continue as International Chair. Ed Koeneman will continue as Youth Services Chair supported by Dan Coons as Youth Exchange Chair. Jeanie Morgan will continue as Public Image Chair. Brian Goetzenberger will lead our fundraising effort supported by Pam Cohen and Allan Cady. Greg Okonowsky and Ron Thompson will share the Sgt at Arms Duties. Steve Ross will continue to coordinate our guest speakers.
After Chris' presentation, Allan Cady was called back to the podium where he was informed that to honor his service, a $500 scholarship honoring his year of service will be given in the spring of 2019 to a deserving Westwood High School student. He was also given a card which brought some sentimental tears to his eyes. The card was from Polly telling him he was a star and that she was very proud of the way he had led the club and all the many accomplishment achieved by the club this past year.
CLICK HERE or click on the collage of photos to bring up the entire Album of photos taken by Wayne General at the event. Higher resolution photos of each of the images are available upon request.