President Allan Cady brought the meeting to order with the Invocation offered by Wendell Jones, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Jeanie Morgan.  Ray Smith called Rod Daniels to the front of the room so all present could welcome him with an enthusiastic rendition of "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow."
Greg Eckart was introduced by John Pennypacker, Carolyn Jones was introduced by Wendell, and Kara Jackson-Royer was introduced as Rod Daniel's daughter.  Lolita (our regular Canadian visitor) introduced her husband, Hans.  John Hunt was introduced as though he were a guest because he's had to miss so many meetings recently.  
Greg Okonowski won the weekly attendance drawing of $5, and then was immediately fined $5 by President Allan for being late. Dan Coons ticket was drawn for the weekly drawing, but his luck did not hold out.  He did not draw the ace of clubs so the $737 pot will continue to grow.
Because we had several guests, Chuck Flint quickly explained the Buck Board, which he then circulated to collect from those present who hope to be the lucky winner of the next Paul Harris Fellowship.
President Allan asked members present and wearing Rotary pins to be counted so he could keep his recent commitment to pay $1 for each person wearing a pin.  Since several members were wearing many Rotary pins, he made it clear that he was paying per Rotarian wearing a pin and not the other way around (per pin being worn by a Rotarian).  Even so, his commitment cost him $27, which is 35% more than the past two weeks.
  • The Steak and Beans dinner to celebrate the successful sponsorship drive will be held at the home of Chuck Flint on Saturday, February 24.  All will have steak since the campaign far exceeded our goal.
  • There will be an evening sponsor recognition event coming up in the spring.  Those planning the event are targeting March and believe it likely it will be held at the Hilton where we meet.
  • Chris Krueger enthusiastically told about the quality of information she garnered from her participation in Rotary Leadership Institute January 20.  One surprise for her was that RLI is for any Rotarian interested in learning more about Rotary whether in the line of officer ascension or not.  
Greg Okonowski collected Happy Bucks.  The majority of happy bucks were celebrating the many positive ways Rod Daniels has influenced club members
  • He was very influential in Chandler North Rotarians moving their membership to Mesa West Rotary three years ago.  
  • He was the first and last President of Chandler North.
  • Winter visitors appreciated being warmly welcomed by Rod
  • Ken Oakes had many thanks to Rod
  • It was suggested that happy dollars for the day be sent to Polio Plus in Rod's name
President Allan announced that when he talked to Rod about his decision to resign from the club, he informed him that the board was not prepared to accept his resignation.  Rod was persuaded instead that he will remain on our roster as an honorary member.  This is an honor of which he is very deserving because of his many Rotary achievements beyond his own club in his fourteen years of membership:
  • The Rotary Foundation - 3 years
  • First Bi-District Conference in Arizona
  • Group Study Exchange - 4 years
  • Choices Program Sponsored by Rotary Club of Sun Lakes - 10 years
  • Polio Plus - 3+ years District 5510 and District 5495
  • "800 Miles to End Polio Now" - Arizona Tri District Project
  • Arizona PETS Facilitator - 4 years
  • Club Leadership Academy Facilitator - District 5495
  • Club Training Assembly - District 5500
  • Club Rotarian of the Year - once each in two clubs
  • District 5510 Rotarian of the Year - once
  • Paul Harris Fellow Plus 6
  • Club President - 5 times
  • 13 1/2 years of perfect attendance
Six individuals shared personal experiences about situations where Rod had touched their lives in a positive way:
  1. Past District Governor Abe Feder said Rod seemed to be everywhere, but never out front.  While he was District Governor in 2012-13, the idea of a Dual District Conference came up.  Barb Feder (his wife) suggested Rod as Conference Chair.  Abe talked to Rod about what they had in mind.  When he got home, Barb asked Abe if Rod had agreed to do it.  Abe said there had not been a commitment.  Barb asked Abe if he actually asked Rod to chair the conference.  Abe replied he had not.  Abe called Rod and asked him, and Rod said he wanted to meet with him.  After getting some questions answered Rod said "Okay."  He also said when it was over he would have a book he could turn over to the next chair that would provide the necessary steps to be taken to plan and carry out a quality conference.  Abe went on to explain that there were a number of times that new ideas would come up about the conference or there would be a need for a change.  Rod always said, "Okay" and proceeded to get the job done and done very well.
  2. Past District Governor Lucinda Rose General said Rod is the "Perfect Rotarian."  During her year as District Governor, the International President challenged each District to do something with water.  Under Rod's leadership, Chandler North became the lead club to put a sanitation block (toilets and showers) in the middle of a slum in Kenya.  With Ken Oakes as his right-hand man, the project happened.  Rod also served as GSE Chair for the District, and never dropped the ball.  He worked on the tri-district PETS conference as a facilitator or as a helper.  He was willing to cross district boundaries to get the job done.  He was instrumental in leading Chandler North to Mesa West.  Rod turned desire to serve into action and earned an "Every Day Hero" tribute.
  3. Pam Cohen told of taking hula hoops to a Chandler North Club meeting when she was asked to do a RYLA presentation.  Rod didn't think his club members would appreciate or participate using the hoops, but the meeting went well and he asked her back to do the RYLA presentation again and again.  Pam said he helped with Rotary Youth Exchange as well.  She also worked with him on the PETS Committee, and said he is a great facilitator.  One year, he looked worried  every time she saw him.  When she asked him what was going on, she learned he had gotten word that his brother had suffered a stroke.  He said he had finished all his personal commitment for the PETS conference and asked if he could leave, and she told him absolutely he could leave.  She was awed by the fact that despite personal stress he had just naturally - because that is who he is - met his commitment to the conference.  Pam recently had coffee with Rod and learned that in addition to all the other things he does and does well, he is a community college instructor.  She is now registered to take his class - and will be going to the casino to play black jack using her new knowledge.  
  4. Don LaBarge told of Rod helping Chris LaBarge several years ago with one of her Sorority projects.  He also said that Rod is his designated driver on a casino outing about every three months.  Rod doesn't drink, but he does like to play black jack.  Don related a personal experience when he and Chris had purchased a building in northwest Mesa to house their business.  It needed a lot of renovation work.  Rod volunteered to help, and it was decided he could best help by painting.  Chris had bought yellow paint for one of the offices.  It was dark yellow.  Don and Rod thought white would be better, but Don had him paint everything in that office with the color Chris had selected - walls, ceilings, everything.  When Chris saw it, she screamed.  Rod repainted it white.  Don thanked Rod for being a friend.
  5. John Pennypacker said he had a powerpoint with 42 slides to tell of his positive experiences with Rod.  After those present groaned, John offered to show members his Rotary tattoo while holding his belt buckle.  There was an audible gasp from many present, and John turned to show them a Rotary wheel on the centered above his hair line on the back of his head.  Then, he went on to tell how he had convinced Rod to lead the Polio Plus 800 Mile Walk to End Polio.  The journey went from border to border in the State of Arizona.  Some walked.  Some biked, Some rode horseback.  Then Governor Jan Brewer honored him for the $50,000 raised, naming February 14, 2012 "End Polio Now" day in the State of Arizona.  John stated that the Rotary theme in 2018-19 is "Be the Inspiration."  Rod has been the inspiration for many.
  6. Penny May was the final speaker.  She told how she and Chuck were impressed with the way the Chandler North Rotary Club welcomed them with open arms.  She said they were that way with all the seasonal visitors who attended their meetings and that frequently it seemed - during the winter months - that there were more visitors at the meeitngs than Rotarians.  She said that Rod was a very, very, very special friend.  She said they would often leave in the spring knowing a new President had been elected, and that when they returned in the fall, somehow Rod would again be in that leadership role or serving to lead the meeting in the absence of the President.  She said they were especially impressed with the number of projects the tiny club could successfully accomplish, including RYLA, GSE, Youth Exchange, Polio.  She said that she thinks he should be President for life because he is a Rotarian's Rotarian, exhibiting at the same time all the best qualities of leadership, management and friendship.
Pam was called back to the podium to present a beautiful tall, slender award which is cut diagonally to show the engraving on a surface in the shape of a star.  Rod said he has only been speechless a couple of times.  He received a standing ovation.  
Before the members disbursed, President Allan announced the club had received thanks for supporting the 2017 Mexican American Friendship Conference.  In 2018, the conference will be held in Acapulco, and he hopes Mesa West will again have a presence.