Leslie Balderas and Alice Phan, two of the five Rotaractors who sponsored through a District Grant to attend the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta were the featured speakers. They enthusiastically talked about their observations. They learned that Rotaract is enthusiastically supported by college students and young adults in many foreign countries to a greater degree than it is in the United States.
University based clubs can only have students in their membership. Community based clubs can include students and young adults. These young ladies believe new life needs to be encouraged for the community-based clubs to bridge an avenue for service for young people as they move from Interact to Rotaract to Rotary.
President, Allan, illustrated the early success of the club's new sponsorship program. We are already at the $10,000 level. Members are encouraged to each find one individual or business who would be willing to sponsor our club's programs and services.
Don LaBarge found a box of Rotary treasures recently. At the meeting, he presented PDG Ted Williams with a copy of Ted's District 550 Directory from 1989-90. Don also read off a list of Ted's many accomplishments, which had been prepared by Pam Cohen a number of years ago.