Doubletree, 1011 W Holmes
Mesa, AZ 85210 United States of America
Our hybrid meetings are held weekly on the 1st thru 4th Thursdays of each month. The meetings are broadcast via Zoom to include all, whether attending virtually or in person.
Please join us for this Day of Service! It is a national program to promote service in honor of 911. We need volunteers to help attendees and our Interact students with our on-site project (making dog toys for local animal shelters), promoting our club, and inviting folks to our future projects! Let Shelly know if you can help us out!
President Colleen thanked Pam Cohen and Jim Erickson for serving as greeters.
Attending online were Don Boucher, Lucinda General, Logan Harper, Bob Jensen, Deb Koeneman and Jeanie Morgan.
Ed Koeneman was thanked for serving as Chief Technology Officer.
Ace of Clubs Raffle - Chuck Flint
Chuck asked Harry Grossman to draw the winning ticket, the stub of which was held by Frank Rosenberg, making him the automatic winner of the small pot of $25. Frank also won the right to draw a card from the 28 cards remaining in the deck. Should he draw the joker, he would win an additional $20. Should he draw the Ace of Clubs (which we believe we are, he would win the large, accumulating, pot which was up to $825. Sadly, for Frank, the card he drew was the Five of Spades.
Happy Bucks - Ron Thompson
Frank Rosenberg was happy to have won the raffle, but happier to report the club had been very generous in responding to his request for sweatpants, socks, underwear, hygiene products, etc. to share in the homeless communities in Flagstaff where he is working out of a van serving medical needs to the homeless as part of his Nurse Practitioner training. He said he had a truckload to take to Flagstaff as well as $1,002 received in cash. He thanked his fellow club members for their generosity.
Shane White was happy to be attending his first meeting as a member as opposed to being a guest.
Harry Grossman was happy to report he has been a Cardinals football fan for a long time. When he was first a fan at a tender age when they were still the Chicago Cardinals. He remained a fan while they were the St. Louis Cardinals from 1960-1987, and is well as when they became the Arizona Cardinals in 1988. He has had season tickets for ten years. Anytime the Cardinals win, he wears sneakers to the next Rotary meeting and accumulates happy dollars so he can celebrate their wins.
Pam Cohen contributed $5. She had spent the weekend in Flagstaff babysitting Wilder. She said she had lunch with Harry Grossman while she was there and learned a lot.
Steve Ross made a road trip to visit his son in St. Louis, but came back by air as he gave his car to his son.
Dick Myren made his traditional $2 donation - happy that he and Honorary Member Rod Daniels are members of the Ace of Clubs.
Warren Williamson contributed to share a story about bears. In the Northwest, the forestry departments put out a lot of warnings about bears. Among the critical facts, it's important to remember is that its important to pay close attention, learn about different kinds of bears, wear bells on your shoes when out in the forest and carry pepper-spray. Brown and black bears are more afraid of humans than humans need to be afraid of them. When they hear the bells on the shoes. they run away. You can tell they are in the area when you see their droppings, which are small. The Grizzlies, on the other hand, are quite dangerous. They should be avoided at all costs. If they are unavoidably encountered, spray them solidly with pepper spray. The droppings left by grizzlies are large, smell like pepper spray and have little bells in them.
Bob Jensen said Sharon would be celebrating her 70th birthday August 25. They were going to be able to celebrate with their son and his family from Portland and their daughter and her family who life in Tucson. He pledged $50 to the Guaymas Hearing project. He thanked Ray, Polo, Chuck, Erika and Frank for committing to go to Guaymas this year. They need a couple more Rotarians to volunteer as drivers and runners to help as patients are served. Right now, they are short on drivers. It is about a ten hour trip each way. The trip will be from November 8-12. He asked members to let Ray Smith or himself know if they were interested. He added that there is a possibility of getting some testing equipment donated by Mayo. It will be a great benefit if that happens.
Ted Williams said he and his wife had a wonderful trip across southern Canada with our club's first inbound Rotary Youth Exchange student. The trip lasted a week and a half. The forest fires were not near where they were. They did see a couple of bears. They consider the joggers in the park "fast food."
Ed Koeneman was happy to show off a really cool pin of Baby Yoda which he received from Sam Rosenberg. He was happy to report 50 students had showed up for the first Interact meeting of the year at Westwood High School. They helped make dog chew toys from old t-shits (which they need more of). Interact at Westwood High School will celebrate its 60th anniversary this year. The Interact Club we sponsor at Westwood is older than Mesa West Rotary. Ed's final happy statement was that our inbound YE student, Carlotta, was going to be attending her first football game that evening.
John Pennypacker provided a quick lesson on how to use a microphone - for the sake of those who attend our meetings via Zoom. Do not start talking until you have the microphone in hand and know it is turned on. Hold it close to your mouth and enunciate clearly.
President Colleen said that she was not the perfect wife on Sunday, when AG Dan Coons should have celebrated his birthday. She said she has since made up for it by giving him a massage and taking him out to dinner at a restaurant the Koenemans introduced them to, where they learned "gluten-free can be delicious."
Club Assembly - President Colleen Coons
Since Club Assemblies are being introduced by President Colleen this year in an attempt to keep members well informed about club and Rotary business, she voiced a desire to have members feel free to provide feedback about what they like or don't like and what they would like to see included in future monthly assemblies.
CLICK HERE to see the slides shared during the August 24 Club Assembly.
Colleen made a couple of presentations. She had a thank-you gift for Jay Stuckey for the great job he is doing booking interesting speakers to present programs at our club meeting. John Pennypacker, who pinned Shane White at his new member induction noted that the pin he received was one of the new design rather than the traditional Rotary wheel. Colleen presented Shane with a traditional pin.
As the slide show progressed, President Colleen thanked board members and committee chairs, saying that without them, the club can't effectively do anything.. Since we already have two new members this year, the Membership Committee was specifically recognized. She added that, as President, she is learning that lots of members do things that make the club run. Diane Ware as Treasurer and Club Service Chair, has taken on many of the responsibilities formerly accomplished by the Executive Secretary. Lola McClane quietly does many things that make a huge impact.
Colleen called on Jeanie Morgan, who was prepared with a simple financial presentation explaining our two separate entities. Our Rotary Club is a 501(c)(4) organization. The club not pay income tax, but donations to the club are not tax deductible charitable donations. The Mesa West Rotary Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity. The dues, happy bucks, meal revenue, etc. pay for the costs of operating the club itself. General categories of how those funds are used was shown in Jeanie's slides. The Sponsor campaign raises funds for the Mesa West Rotary Foundation to support our charitable endeavors. They are two separate legal entities, with two separate boards of directors, but with good communication, cooperation, and continuity enabling us to do the good that we do by attracting donations not only from members, but from outside individuals and firms who are supportive of the good we can accomplish with our time, talent and available funds. If after reviewing the slides shown, members still have questions, they can email Jeanie.
Colleen joined Mesa Leadership so she could better lead and promote our club.
The Maui situation came up. It was not a budgeted item. The board was happy to use some of the "international" budget approved by the Mesa West Rotary Foundation board to match member donations. Colleen will suggest in the future that a sum be included in the budget submitted to cover disasters which cannot be predicted, but it is common knowledge that every year - somewhere in the Rotary world- there will be disasters for which we would like to provide support.
We will be branded at future public events and service projects. Instead of making an "executive decision," our President requested input from club members. They have been ordered and should be available to put on at the September 9 Day of Service event.
Youth Services
Westwood High School Interact Ambassadors to Mexico describe their personal growth
Josephine Sili - "gratitude
Adrian Bojorquez - "finding self"
First Rotaract Scholarship from Mesa West Rotary Foundation - Colton Cagle - he will graduate in December with no student debt.
International Service - Maui Relief
Happy Bucks and member pledges totaled $1,100.
Club Board authorized requesting Mesa West Rotary Foundation match up to $1,000 using funds designated for International projects in 2023-24 budget.
DG Mark Merrian - the first $50,000 in relief funds will be used to purchase 500 $100 gas cards
Maui Sunrise and Maui Sunset clubs lost everything.
Both club presidents lost their homes.
Community Service
Each quarter, members will be asked to vote on which charity we either heard from in a club program or participated at in a service project should receive a donation of $750 from our Mesa West Rotary Foundation.Community Service Budget. see the slide presentation to get reminders of who the contenders are this quarter to date.
The Rotary Foundation - John Pennypacker
The Rotary Foundation (TRF) is the charitable fund of Rotary International and should not be confused with our local Mesa West Rotary Foundation.
The initial funds were only $26.50 - after the 1917 RI Convention
Create an endowment for "doing tood in the world."
Mission - Improve World Understanding
Improve Health
Poverty alleviation
The fight to end Polio
1979 - Immunization of six million children in the Philippines
1985 - 1,000 children contracting polio each day
1988 - worldwide cases in 125 countries
2023 - 7 children diagnosed with wild polio virus - five in Afghanistan and two in Pakistan
$50 can provide clean water to fight waterborne illness
$500 can launch an antibullying campaign to create a safe environment for children
Types of Individual Donations
Annual Fund
Polio Plus
Use of Annual Fund-SHARE contributions
47.5% credited to World Fund to be used for Global Grants
47.5% credited to District Designated Fund (this is source of District Grants)
5% used for operating costs
Endowments - Principal Never Spent
Earnings are director to TRF Grants and Programs
Types of gifts:
Current = cash
Planned gift in an estate
Paul Harris Fellow Recognition established in 1957 for monetory gifts of $1,000
After first $1,000, recognition points accrue dollar/dollar for additional monetary donations
Non-Rotarians can be recognized as Paul Harris Fellows
By 2006, there were 1 million Paul Harris Fellows
Individual Recognition
Sustaining Member - Annual fund contribution of $100 or more
Paul Harris Society - $1,000 or more per year in individual donations
Paul Harris Fellow - $1,000 to Annual Fund, Polio Plus or Grants
Major Donor - individuals and couples making total cash gifts of $10,000
Arch Klumph Society - six levels beginning at $250,000
Foundation Recognition Points
Awarded to donors to Annual Fund, Polio Plus, Disaster Relief or approved global grants
Donors receive one foundation recognition point for each dollar
Donors can transfer FRPs to others
become Paul Harris Fellow
Multiple PHF
Transfers must be in increments of 100 points
Do not count for Paul Harris Society or Major Donor
In Mesa West Rotary
31 Sustaining Members
56 Paul Harris Fellows
13 Major Donors
Paul Harris (Rotary Founder) "Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world it will be known by the results it achieves."
Thursday, August 31 - no meeting at Doubletree - Members (and family and friends) are invited to tour the Mesa Public Library at 635 N Power Road, Mesa 85205 from Noon to 1:00 PM
Saturday, September 9 - Join us and volunteer in the community at the Red Mountain Institute Building, 7126 E McKellips Rd., Mesa 10: AM to 12:00 PM. Mesa West Rotary will have a service project booth and you can join others.
We are in the process of developing a volunteer opportunity with Over Flo Missions to feed 150 people in Apache Junction.
Bob from Four Peaks visited our Club August 17 and made this announcement. Mesa West Rotary Club President Colleen Coons wanted to share the flyer in case you or any of your family, friends, or associates might want to attend.
As Rotarians, we are regularly exposed to opportunities to support various causes with our time, talent and treasure. Sometimes it is hard to sift through all the information and decide where we are going to use our available financial resources.
It would be wonderful if every Arizona Rotarian would make the following BIG FOUR their Rotary charities of choice and support every one of them every year, we could make a bigger difference than we are making today.
The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Annual Fund - The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world." Giving a small amount each month adds up. CLICK HERE to download a form you can use to sign up for Rotary Direct, electing "Annual Fund - Share" for your recurring donation.
The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Polio Plus - Rotary's commitment to eradicate polio is so well known and respected that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation matches donations $2 for $1. To take advantage of this opportunity to multiply the effect of your giving, CLICK HERE and download a second Rotary Direct form, this time electing electing "Polio Eradication" for your recurring donations. Those who donate $100 or more annually to Polio Plus qualify in District 5495 as Polio Plus Society Members. If you would like to make that commitment, CLICK HERE to download the commitment form.
The Rotary Vocational Fund of Arizona (TRVFA) provides vocational education grants to Arizona Residents who meet specific low-income guidelines. The grants enable the recipients to lift themselves out of poverty, benefitting themselves, their families and the economy of our state. TRVFA is a 501(c)(3) charity. They also are a Qualifying Charitable Organization for Arizona Tax Credit Donations. Their QCO Code is 20698. Many Arizona Rotarians say giving to TRVFA is a "no brainer." If you can help someone lift themselves out of poverty and it won't end up costing you anything why would you not do it? Mesa West Rotary has the highest number of members who have signed up for automated monthly recurring donations by electing that option on the "Donate Now" button on the TRVFA website. Click the image to learn more or CLICK HERE to DONATE NOW.
Mesa West Rotary Foundation, Inc. is the funding and fundraising arm of our own Mesa West Rotary Club. It is a 501(c)(3) charity. We have had successful sponsorship campaigns the last few years enabling us to spend our energy on service rather than on holding fundraising events. Charitable grants that we get involved with are funded through our charitable foundation, Our signature Gift of Hearing Project in Guaymas Mexico is funded through this foundation. Scholarships are awarded annually to Westwood High School Students (the high school where Mesa West Rotary sponsors an Interact Club). Funds are used to support a variety of activities in four of the Rotary Avenues of Service:
Community Service
International Service
Vocational Service
Youth Service
The process isn't quite automated at this point in time, but we hope it soon will be. For now, you can email our executive secretary who can help you work out a recurring donation plan should you wish to make that arrangement to support our own club's charitable activity.