Club Information
Welcome to our Rotary Club of Mesa West!
Mesa West
Transforming Communities, Creating Opportunities, Impacting Youth
Thursdays at 12:00 PM
Via Zoom or in-person
Doubletree, 1011 W Holmes
Mesa, AZ 85210
United States of America
Our hybrid meetings are held weekly on the 1st thru 4th Thursdays of each month. The meetings are broadcast via Zoom to include all, whether attending virtually or in person.
District Site Icon
District Site
Venue Map
Venue Map
No Regular Meeting November 30
We do not hold a regular meeting at the Doubletree on the 5th Thursday of any month with five Thursdays.
CLICK HERE to Register for the tour and lunch
YE Birthday Celebration
Thanks to her new host mom, Carla Rowe-Malcolm, we have photos of Olivia celebrating her 17th birthday.  She helped prepare the main course of pasta, and celebrated with a few friends before making a wish and blowing out her candles.
'Tis the Season - Ringing the Bell at Bass Pro
Mesa West Rotary Club members and their friends have been ringing the bell just outside the store exit at Bass Pro for many years.  A first this year is some new technology that allows donors to tap their phone or a debit or credit card on the amount they with to donate.
Don LaBarge regularly sends out lists of open shifts needing to be filled in the coming week.  Please check your email regularly and if you see a message from Don, make it a priority to check to see if there is a time you can help him out.
CLICK HERE to email Don to let him know you are willing to help.  Please provide your name, email address and cell phone number when you do.  
Ringing the bell is a fun way to spend a couple of hours.  They are many young children exiting the store who have visited Santa and are dressed in cute holiday outfits.  Often, their parent or grandparent will give them some money to put in the kettle, teaching the children to be generous.  If a family is trying to take a group photo, offer to take the photo so everyone can be in it.  Donations have resulted from bell ringers doing so...  It costs nothing for us to give away smiles, compliments and warm greetings.  
It should be noted our President, Colleen Coons, was able to persuade our Assistang Governor, Dan Coons, to ring the bell with her, but she told him it would only be a "story" if he rang the bell by himself.
McKinney Vento Student Holiday Wish Lists
Each morning, President Colleen plans to send an updated list  of items still needed to fill the holiday wish lists of our McKinney Vento - Rotary Bridges to Education - students.  The gift cards on the lists will be useful beyond the holidays.  If extra are received, they can be fairly distributed.
Elect our Future Leaders - Annual Meeting Dec. 7
December 7 -Immediately Following our Regular Club Meeting, our Annual Meeting Will be Held
At the November 21 meeting of the Mesa West Rotary Club Board of Directors, President-Elect Logan Harper presented the recommendation of the nominating committee which consisted of himself, Colleen Coons, Pam Cohen, Ray Smith and Kayla Mudge:
Officers whose terms will expire June 30, 2024
  • President, Colleen Coons
  • President-Elect, Logan Harper (who will automatically become President 2024-25)
  • Secretary, Carla Krcmarik
Existing officers whose terms will expire June 30, 2025
  • President, Logan Harper
  • Treasurer, Diane Ware
  • Directors who were elected last year with terms to expire June 30, 2025 are Don Boucher, Polly Cady, and Bryan Goetzenberger.
Positions which need to be elected at 2023 Annual Meeting
  • President-Elect - Kayla Mudge (will automatically become President 2025-26)
  • Secretary - Deb Koeneman - for a two-year term to expire June 30, 2026
  • Directors with terms to expire June 30, 2026 are Polo Santiago and Warren Williamson
The Mesa West Rotary Board of Directors unanimously supported presentation of this Nominating Committee report and their recommendation at the annual meeting.
If you are an active member of Mesa West Rotary Club, please plan to be present on December 7 so you can be a part of electing our future club leaders.
Olivia's Bucket List
Olivia - our Rotary Youth Exchange Student from Sweden has a bucket list of things she hopes to do while here on her exchange.  Review the list and see what you might want to do with her.  CLICK HERE or on the image to email Polly Cady so she can coordinate scheduling an opportunity to make that to happen!.
Olivia's Bucket List
*American BBQ*Try pickle ball
*Do a Charity Thing*Bowling
*Dobbins Lookout*Make S'mores
*Go to a beach*Indoor roller skates
*Havasu Falls*Butterfly Wonderland
*Go to a Water Park*Go to Las Vegas
*Try Cheesecake Factory*Make an American Apple Pie
*Arizona Capitol Museum*Heard Museum
*Disneyland*Play Tennis
*Hot chocolate race*Kayak
*Play mini golf*Go to a lacrosse game
*Basketball game*Go to the movies
*Surf*Desert Botanical Garden
*Horseshoe Bend*Japanese Friendship Garden
*Try Sonoran Hot Dogs*Try typical Arizona food
*Have a picnic*Outdoor dirve-in cinema
*Camelback Mountain*Go swim in a lake
*Street festival*Hole in the Rock
*Have brunch at a restaurant*Go to a farmers market
*Go to a pumpkin patch*Go to Tucson
*Ice Cream*Go to a candy store (pick candy)
*Tennis match*Ice skate
*Try Scrumble Cookies*Make pizza/have pizza night
*Go on a road trip*Walk downtown Phoenix
*Go on a swimming competition*Sea World
*Be invited to dinner*See a waterfall
*Try Mexican food*Go tubing/boat riding
*Go to outdoor mall*Try Arizona/Phoenix best
*Go to a Christmas Market and have hot chocolate*Try American breakfast (pancakes, scrambled eggs, etc.)
*See a sunrise/sunset at a viewpoint*Watch performance at Chandler Arts Center
*Ride a cabriolet (car without a roof)  
*Hiking*Go to Costco
*Make Cake Pops*Pedicure
*Manicure*Go to IKEA
*Ride a boat*Carve pumpkins
*Go to Haunted House*Arizona State Fair
*Trick or Treating*Try boba tea
*Go to a zoo*Try Tiramisu
Something to Ponder

Man invented language to

satisfy his deep need to complain. 

       --Lily Tomlin 

A Bit of Humor
I remember being able to get up
without making sound effects.
The Big Four - Ways to Support Rotary in Mesa West
As Rotarians, we are regularly exposed to opportunities to support various causes with our time, talent and treasure.  Sometimes it is hard to sift through all the information and decide where we are going to use our available financial resources. 
It would be wonderful if every Arizona Rotarian would make the following BIG FOUR their Rotary charities of choice and support every one of them every year, we could make a bigger difference than we are making today.
  1. The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Annual Fund - The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world."  Giving a small amount each month adds up.  CLICK HERE to download a form you can use to sign up for Rotary Direct, electing "Annual Fund - Share" for your recurring donation.  
  2. The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Polio Plus - Rotary's commitment to eradicate polio is so well known and respected that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation matches donations $2 for $1.  To take advantage of this opportunity to multiply the effect of your giving, CLICK HERE and download a second Rotary Direct form, this time electing electing "Polio Eradication" for your recurring donations.  Those who donate $100 or more annually to Polio Plus qualify in District 5495 as Polio Plus Society Members.  If you would like to make that commitment, CLICK HERE to download the commitment form.
  3. The Rotary Vocational Fund of Arizona (TRVFA) provides vocational education grants to Arizona Residents who meet specific low-income guidelines.   The grants enable the recipients to lift themselves out of poverty, benefitting themselves, their families and the economy of our state.  TRVFA is a 501(c)(3) charity.  They also are a Qualifying Charitable Organization for Arizona Tax Credit Donations.  Their QCO Code is 20698.  Many Arizona Rotarians say giving to TRVFA is a "no brainer."  If you can help someone lift themselves out of poverty and it won't end up costing you anything why would you not do it?  Mesa West Rotary has the highest number of members who have signed up for automated monthly recurring donations by electing that option on the "Donate Now" button on the TRVFA website.  Click the image to learn more or CLICK HERE to DONATE NOW.  
  4. Mesa West Rotary Foundation, Inc. is the funding and fundraising arm of our own Mesa West Rotary Club.  It is a 501(c)(3) charity.  We have had successful sponsorship campaigns the last few years enabling us to spend our energy on service rather than on holding fundraising events.  Charitable grants that we get involved with are funded through our charitable foundation, Our signature Gift of Hearing Project in Guaymas Mexico is funded through this foundation.  Scholarships are awarded annually to Westwood High School Students (the high school where Mesa West Rotary sponsors an Interact Club).  Funds are used to support a variety of activities in four of the Rotary Avenues of Service:
    1. Community Service
    2. International Service 
    3. Vocational Service
    4. Youth Service
The process isn't quite automated at this point in time, but we hope it soon will be.  For now, you can email our executive secretary who can help you work out a recurring donation plan should you wish to make that arrangement to support our own club's charitable activity.
Nov 30, 2023
We do not meet at noon on the 5th Thursday of any Month with 5 Thursdays
Dec 07, 2023
Dec 14, 2023
Pearl at the Mailbox/Human Trafficking Kids
Dec 21, 2023
Club Assembly - Adopt a McKinney Vento Kid
Dec 28, 2023
We will not meet and hope our members are enjoying a wonderful Holiday Season!
Jan 11, 2024
Jan 18, 2024
Jan 25, 2024
Club Assembly - Featuring TRVFA - Allan, Jeanie, Bryan
View entire list
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Director '24
Director '24
Director '25
Director '25
Director '25
Mesa West Foundation President
Club Service Chair
Fundraising Chair
Membership Chair
Public Image Chair
Rotary Foundation Chair for Mesa West
Vocational Service Chair
Youth Services Chair
Executive Secretary
Upcoming Events
Sunshine Acres Tour and Lunch
Sunshine Acres
Nov 30, 2023
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Help Brian Harvey develop his Project - resent
Nov 30, 2023
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Mesa West Rotary Board Meeting
Via Zoom
Dec 19, 2023 5:30 PM
Mesa West Rotary Board Meeting
Via Zoom
Jan 16, 2024 5:30 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Kayla Mudge
November 12
Keith Deering
November 24
Spouse Birthdays
Chris LaBarge
November 21
Don Boucher
Sharon Boucher
November 15
Erwin Reimann
Joan Reimann
November 25
Joan Reimann
Erwin Reimann
November 25
Join Date
Dick Myren
November 1, 1970
53 years
Pai Bethea
November 1, 1977
46 years
Wayne General
November 1, 2016
7 years
John Bethea
November 4, 2014
9 years
Geoff White
November 13, 2001
22 years
John Benedict
November 21, 2000
23 years
Rodney Daniels
November 30, 2003
20 years
Rotary District 5495 Links
District Links
Arizona Rotaract
Rotary District 5495
Rotary Interact District 5495
The Rotary Vocational Fund of Arizona (TRVFA)
Rotary Youth Exchange
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards - RYLA
RYLA Service Project Support
Bulletin Editor
Jeanie Morgan
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THE FOUR WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do

first  Is it the TRUTH?
second  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
third  Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
fourth Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?