Pam Cohen shared a link that she thought some of the rest of you might want to use. She subscribed to some Rotary newsletters through the RI website. The link she used was Newsletters.
I (your editor) have two apps on my smart phone that you might want to download:
(Rotary) ClubLocator was the app that helped me find Mesa West when I recently moved from Lake Havasu to Chandler and needed to find a great club so I could transfer. It is also helpful when traveling to find a club to visit.
ClubRunner Mobile App requires you to use your ClubRunner ID and password to login, but it will bring up members names and contact information, list of upcoming events including meeting speakers, list of club executives and website stories. I only downloaded it a week ago, and it has already been useful more than once.
If you have any additional ideas on how we can better connect, please let me know.