Assistant District Governor Lee Homes and his wife, Roberta were welcomed as guests. Three tokens were drawn, but the owners of the respective badge numbers were not present to win the attendance drawing. Don LaBarge was the holder of the winning raffle ticket, which netted $20 for him, but after some laborious shuffling on his part, he drew the three of hearts, rather than the ace of clubs, so the accumulating pot, now up to $42, will roll over to October 4.
Chuck Flint briefly explained the Buck Board for the benefit of our guests, then circulated with it while Charlie Brown, aka John Pennypacker, explained that even though he woke up early and watched the sun rise, he had a positive feeling about things, and wondered what could possibly go wrong on a day like this, he realized "GOOD GRIEF! My stomach hurts! I cannot go to Guaymas with my Rotary friends. I said I would help with the Rotary District 5495 Foundation Dinner. I hope my other Rotary Friends who cannot go to Guaymas will come see me in 'You're a Good Rotarian' on Saturday, November 10."
As John Pennypacker collected happy bucks, Allan Cady contributed. He was happy about the generosity of other Rotarians who helped him come up with sufficient funds to cover costs for a trip for Caiu (our inbound Youth Exchange Student) to go to California with other YE friends. Two members made Guaymas donations. A reminder - members who give $100 or more to support the Guaymas Gift of Hearing Mission will be entered into a drawing to win one of three prizes made by Son Hee Williamson - 2 purses and an afghan. Warren Williamson contributed $100 for his and Son Hee's 12th anniversary, and another $100 for his 70th birthday. Jim Crutcher also contributed $100 for his birthday and vacation. Penny May contributed $1, continuing Rod Daniels tradition, and Dick Myren contributed $2 also remembering how glad Rod always was to be at our meetings. Don LaBarge contributed as he was looking forward to going to a family reunion. Tim Troy contributed celebrating a great trip to Havasu Falls with his wife and daughter.
Pam Cohen had a bag to auction. It contained a cookie jar and cook book. The cookie jar was one of the centerpieces at the Lunch for Love event held Wednesday September 26 benefitting Child Crisis Arizona. Tim Troy made the top bid of $40. Jim Crutcher had two tickets for the Cardinals football game to be held Sunday, September 30, which he auctioned, stating he would match the top bid and the total would go to support the Guaymas mission. Tim Troy again had the top bid of $150.
Pam Cohen introduced ADG Lee Holmes, who would be presenting the program. Pam first got acquainted with Lee and his wife, Roberta, when Lee discovered soon after taking over the assistant governor roll in the spring of 2018, that he would be responsible for hosting a hospitality room at the district conference. Pam and other Mesa West rotarians came to his rescue and he considers Mesa West his Rotary "home away from home."
Lee, a retired veterinarian, wanted to talk to Mesa West Rotarians about matching grants. He is working on one now with Mesa Sunrise, Mesa, and Superstition Mountain Rotary Clubs already committed to be involved. The first grant he was involved with, several PDG's and DGE in Iowa said "Let's go to Africa." They delivered 6-7,000 pairs of shoes. Since going to Africa had long been on his bucket list, and had recently retired, he was excited to go. The grant totaled $160,000 provided thirteen wells to serve schools in an area in South Africa which had been severely impacted by HIV. Unemployment was 70%. Children were growing up without parents with grandparents or older siblings raising them. There were 11,5000 children to be fed daily. Another grant for $135,000 was called "Teach A Child to Fish," involved a farming operation, and included eight Iowa clubs. Children from ten different school were taught how to grow vegetables. The goal was to enable the local people to become self sufficient.
In all, Lee has made five trips to South Africa with Rotarians and friends. Children have been provided with glasses. Women have learned how to sew and make a livelihood doing it. The shirt Lee was wearing was one they made with their grant-enabled sewing skills. He has several - in every available color. The locals raise wild game to sell to game farms. They raise chickens - a great protein source for children.
With the matching grants he has been involved with, they have used four Rotary clubs in Africa - all night Clubs. They have been warmly hosted by those clubs on their visits. He invited Mesa West Rotarians who were interested to think about going on his next trip which is planned for August 29-September 20, 2019. Anyone who goes will have the opportunity to walk with lions, ride elephants and enjoy seeing the abundant wild life in the region. There will be a side trip to Kruger National Park in South Africa. He estimated the total cost of the trip per person would be $4,200-$5,000. There would be opportunities once there, to spend more on some adventurous activities that are available.
Lee will be taking the grant opportunity to the Friendship Conference later this fall in Acapulco, looking for clubs there that might want to participate in the grant.