During the 2016-2017 Rotary year, Mesa West Rotary achieved the President’s Award and the District Achievement Award, two truly wonderful accomplishments. Our entire membership should be proud of this and the collective effort it took to make this a reality. This year we plan to work hard to gain these awards once again. We’ll need your help with that. In addition to these efforts, we have 10 club goals for Mesa West Rotary which you will find below. Please, review these goals.
Together with our Board, I believe it is important to keep our club aspirations in front of you. I don’t want you to see these objectives as a burden but rather the opportunity they represent.
Yours in Rotary,
Allan M Cady, President
Mesa West Rotary Club
2017 – 2018 CLUB GOALS
1. Achieve the Presidential Citation Award
2. Achieve the District Achievement Award
3. Net increase in membership of two members
4. Recruit two new members (between the ages of 25-40 years or female members)
5. Involve Former Rotarians in Community Service or Club Service event(s)
6. Create networking opportunities at meetings and through newsletter
7. Promote participation in Leadership Academy – four members
8. Start Mesa West Rotary newsletter
9. Increase participation in Club Community Service and Club Service events
10. Increase Paul Harris Fellows by five and add one Benefactor or Bequest Society Member
CLICK HERE to download a printable pdf document listing these 2017-2018 goals.