GCU Rotaract had their fifth meeting of 2018 Thursday evening, February 22.  President-Elect Isabelle Clausen was pleased to share that their student leadership development has been increasing.  A couple of their members are scheduling upcoming service projects and formulating and planning service projects for next semester.  Their organization has also been increasing with the officers dividing up responsibilities and delegating roles to club members.
Mesa West Rotary President, Allan Cady attended the February 22 meeting and presented the club with a check to support their service endeavors.  They send their thanks to Mesa West Rotary for sponsoring their club.
The young club has been getting quite involved in service around Phoenix.  At the beginning of December, they packed food with fellow Rotarians in Mesa.  Also, at the beginning of January, they had an on-campus project where they packaged notes and granola bars to distribute to the homeless population in Phoenix.
At another January project, they volunteered at an organization called Abounding Service.  The organization utilizes volunteers coming in and helping immigrants learn English.  The volunteer sits with the immigrant while they take a Rosetta Stone lesson and helps the immigrant when needed.  The project was intriguing and gave the Rotaract students a new cultural perspective as they realized just how many cultures are dispersed in the Phoenix area.  
The members had plans to pack food at St. Mary's Food Bank on Saturday, February 24.
On March 3, they will be leading their biggest project of the year at GCU's last basketball game of the season.  They will be doing the Purple Pinkie project before and after the basketball game when there are a lot of people on campus watching the game to raise money for the cure for Polio.  They are very excited for this project.